Riviera Dev 2011

Les conférences du soleil : 20-21 octobre 2011 à Sophia-Antipolis

Name: Denis Caromel
Title: Professeur

Denis Caromel is professor at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis-CNRS and INRIA Sophia. He is also founder and scientific adviser to ActiveEon. His research interests include distributed, and Cloud computing. Denis Caromel gave many invited talks on Object, Parallel and Distributed Computing around the world (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Berkeley, Stanford, ISI, USC, Electrotechnical Laboratory Tsukuba, Sydney, Oracle-BEA EMEA, Digital System Research Center in Palo Alto, NASA Langley, IBM Tom Watson and Zurich). He acted as keynote speaker at several major conferences (MDM, DAPSYS 2008, CGW'08, Shanghai CCGrid 2009, IEEE ICCP'09, ICPADS 2009 in Hong Kong). Recently, he gave many invited talks, e.g. at Devoxx (gathering about 3500 persons), an invited conference on Cloud at Expo Universal 2010, Oct. 18, Shanghai, China, and at 2011 Open Stack Summit in Santa Clara

Company: UNS